Malone Hemsley with mentor Daniel Soto in Goldman lab (Summer 2023).
> REU 2024 (click)
Lauren Bell.Reducing Noise and Refining Output of Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy.Faculty Advisor: Colin Parker. Graduate mentor: Jason Marfey.
Cole Christie.Characterizing the Rigid Folding Mechanisms of Triangulated Resch Origami. Faculty advisor: Zeb Rocklin. Graduate mentor: Andrew Wu.
Jaime Cochran. Computational and Experimental Analysis of Biofilm Growth on a Structured Nutrient Geometry. Faculty advisor: Peter Yunker. Graduate mentor: Pablo Bravo.
Anuk Diaz.Searching for Geometric Structure in Neural Activity Using Topological Data Analysis. Faculty advisor: Audrey Sederberg.
Alexa “Lexi” Ernce. Effects of Hyaluronan Glycocalyx on Cell Traction Force. Faculty advisor: Jennifer Curtis. Graduate mentor: Yu Jing.
Kelly Humphrey. What Compact Binary Gravitational-Wave Signals are We Missing? Faculty advisor: Surabhi Sachdev. Mentor: Meg Millhouse.
Pranav Rane. Lunar Water Formation through Deuterium Ion Irradiation. Faculty advisor: Phil First. Graduate mentor: Alisha Vira.
Braden Starver. Inducing Cardiac Tissue Arrhythmias through the use of Bi-stimulation with a Microcontroller. Faculty advisor: Flavio Fenton. Graduate mentor: Casey Lee-Trimble
Erik Teder. Self-righting in Elongated Multi-Limbed Systems. Faculty advisor: Daniel Goldman. Graduate mentor: Baxi Chong.
Zion Thomas.Preliminary Experimentation for Air-Liquid Interface Cell Models. Faculty advisor: Sally Ng.
Jeremiah Tunis. The Local Energetic Plasma Environment of Jupiter’s Moon Io. Faculty advisor: Sven Simon.
Nathaniel Walker.The Fight Against Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. Faculty advisor: Jennifer Curtis. Graduate mentor: Katherine Powell.
> REU 2023
Malone Hemsley. The Rover Project. Faculty advisor: Dan Goldman. Mentors: Daniel Soto and Dr. Deniz Kerimoglu.
Ben Sherwin.Characterizing the First Galaxies with Machine Learning. Faculty advisor: John Wise. Mentors: Snigdaa Sethuram, Corey Brummel-Smith.
Shanen Arelleno. Bacterial Growth Dynamics at Fluid-Granular Interfaces. Faculty advisor: Peter Yunker. Graduate mentor: Raymond Copeland.
Mariela Lopez Gonzalez.The Role of Hyaluronan Glycocalyx in Early Cell Adhesion. Faculty advisor: Jennifer Curtis. Graduate mentor: Thomas Li.
Ali White. Bioinspired Wing Design Tested in Real Life Conditions. Faculty advisor: Simon Sponberg. Graduate mentor: Ellen Liu.
Dessie Durham. Interplay Between Proliferation and Depletion Aggregation in P. aeruginosa. Faculty advisor: Jennifer Curtis. Graduate mentor: Rob Edmiston.
Gabriella Rizza.Census of Galaxies in the LISA Error Volume from Cosmological Simulations. Faculty advisor: Tamara Bogdanovic.
Annie Cloonan.Pigmentation Pattern Recreation in Reaction-Diffusion Systems using Realistic Bounds. Faculty advisor: Flavio Fenton.
Noah ‘Eden’ Schapera.Characterization of Silicon Photomultipliers for the Trinity Demonstrator Observatory. Faculty advisor: Nepomuk Otte. Graduate mentor: .
Aaron Robinson. Magneto-hydrodynamically Pumped Liquid Metal Loops for SmallSat Thermal Control. Faculty advisor: Alvaro Romero-Calvo. Graduate mentor:.
John Lê. Optimization of Tip Etching for Scanning Probe Microscopies of Semiconductor Superlattices. Faculty advisor: Phil First/Zhigang Jiang. Graduate mentors: Alisha Vira, Harshavardhan Murali.
Anya E. Johnson. Crystal Growth of the Candidate Quantum Spin-Nematic LiCuVO4 for Advanced Thermo-magnetic and Scattering Measurements. Faculty mentor: Martin Mourigal. Graduate mentor: Olivia M. Vilella.
> REU 2022
Mishael Saah.Minimizing Heat Exposure on Ultracold Atoms via a Voltage Driven Laser Shutter System. Faculty advisor: Colin Parker. Graduate mentor: Kaiyue Wang.
Andie Manning. Hydrodynamic coupling of passive flagella. Faculty advisor: Daniel Goldman. Graduate mentor: Kelimar Cruz (and an REU 2016 alum!).
Christian ‘CJ’ Faulhaber. Dynamics Of Black Hole Binaries in the Active Galactic Nuclei Disk. Faculty advisor: Gongjie Li.
Caleb Hatch.A Novel Approach to the Fabrication of Environmentally Protected Epigraphene Heterostructures. Faculty advisor: Claire Berger. Graduate mentor: Grant Nunn.
Amethyst Massaquoi. The Effects of Extracellular Polymeric Substances on Biofilm Removal. Faculty advisor: Peter Yunker. Graduate mentor: Pablo Bravo.
Daniel Fairfax.Measuring Warm Corona Properties in a Sample of Active Galactic Nuclei. Faculty advisor: David Ballantyne.
Grant Mayberry.Understanding Current Distribution in Layered Graphene Structures. Faculty advisor: Zhigang Jiang. Graduate mentor: Kaiyue Wang.
Joshua ‘Jay’ Graves.Testing the Reconstruction of White-Noise Bursts and Gravitational Wave Emission from Binary Black Hole Hyperbolic Encounters with the BayesWave Algorithm. Faculty advisor: Laura Cadonati. Graduate mentor: Peter Lott (and an REU 2016 alum!).
Katlyn Grimes. The Exploration of Thulium Halides and Oxyhalides as Strongly Fluctuating Quantum Magnets. Faculty advisor: Martin Mourigal. Graduate mentor: Olivia Vilella.
Paul Alex Baynard. Reducing Template Bank Size for Time Optimization of a Joint Neutrino-Gravitational Wave Search. Faculty advisor: Laura Cadonati. Graduate mentor: Hannah Griggs.
> REU 2021
Julianne Tijani.Mechanical Changes within Intact Biofilms Due to Varying Amounts of EPS. Faculty Advisor: Peter Yunker.
Viviana Caceres-Barbosa. PyNu: A Search for Gravitational-Wave and Neutrino Coincident Events in the Era of Multi-Messenger Astrophysics. Faculty Advisor: Laura Cadonati. Graduate Mentor: Hannah Griggs.
Alexander Alston.Testing the Accuracy of Bose-Einstein Condensate Simulations. Faculty Advisor: Chandra Raman. Graduate Mentor: Sara Sloman (former REU 2019!)
> REU 2019
Brian Bozymski. Impact of Hyaluronan Glycocalyx on Single-Cell Migration. Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Curtis
Megan Sousa.The Spatial Distribution of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm Matrix and its Interactions with Bacteriophages. Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Curtis.
Malcolm Brown.The Analysis of Scolopendra Polymorpha Centipede’s Methods of Locomotion. Faculty Advisor: Daniel Goldman.
Abdul Kaba. Sidewinder Locomotion. Faculty Mentor: Daniel Goldman
Daniel Germain.Cardiac Chaos. Faculty Advisor: Flavio Fenton
Pryor Gibson. Janssen’s Experiment with Solenopsis invictae (Fire Ants). Faculty Advisor: Alberto Fernandez- Nieves. Graduate Mentor: Caleb Anderson
Camila Dominguez. Relativistic Interpretation of Multi-Body Interaction Mediated by Elastic Substrate. Faculty Advisor: Daniel Goldman.
Tremond Thomas.Evolution of Multicellularity – up to here. Faculty Advisor: Peter Yunker.
Matthew Dittrich.Construction of Magnetic Coils for MOT. Faculty Advisor: Colin Parker.
Sara Sloman.Energy Radiated per Mode Versus Varying Initial Parameters from Binary Black Hole Mergers. Faculty Advisor: Deirdre Shoemaker.
Larine Mbabit. Characterization of high efficiency and blue sensitive silicon photomultipliers for Cherenkov telescopes. Faculty Advisor: Nepomuk Otte.
Mikai Hulse.Laser Stabilization for Atomic Trapping via Electro-Optic Modulation. Faculty Advisor: Michael Chapman.