Q: Are there any fees or costs I have to pay for this program?
A: No, in fact, we’ll pay you a stipend ($6,000 for 10 weeks at Georgia Tech), pay for your room with shared kitchen facilities, and contribute $600 towards your travel costs of getting to and from Atlanta. Parking fees at Georgia Tech are not covered.
Q: What type of research will I do?
A: That depends on what you are interested in. When you submit your application, we will ask you which research areas interest you most in order of priority. We try to provide opportunities for your first choice, but that does not always work.
Keep in mind, if you have only taken the first two semesters of intro physics for example, it does not make sense to ask to work on quantum field theory. Making such requests will reduce your chances of being selected.
Q: Will the REU program be held in person or online for 2025?
A: In person.
Q: Does the program include health insurance?
A: No.
Q: Can I apply if I am a current GT student?
A: No, unfortunately, the National Science Foundation which funds the program, discourages REUs from hosting local students.
Q: Do you accept international students?
A: Unfortunately, no. The National Science Foundation funding for the program only covers permanent residents and US citizens.